Connect 海角爆料 with Slack
Get updates from your 海角爆料 account directly on Slack. This integration will post to a Slack channel when there are updates on transfers, charges, and more
![海角爆料 integrations hero image](/60ca98553057a474fd7cb407/643e2c2839259b59e1535f42_integration-slack.png)
Keeping business owners in-the-know
![海角爆料 integration details](/60ca98553057a474fd7cb407/643e27dc1ef7d0902936d6c2_Image%20-%20Slack.jpg)
Seamlessly connect
Connect your Slack account to 海角爆料 quickly and easily.
Share to Slack
Important 海角爆料 updates, such as transactions, are automatically sent to a Slack channel when they occur.
Keep your team update
This integration helps accountants and other stakeholders easily stay up to speed on relevant info.